Eggless Shemar Balls

Posted 18 November 2020 by Kiki870 in Entrees / 0 Comments


Eggless Shemar Balls

These meatballs are made without eggs and can be made with or without breadcrumbs. They are big and delicious and I named them inappropriately… Shemar Balls. They are big, dark and delicious just like Shemar Moore…! When serving them, add more sauce and cheese. These can be served with or without pasta.
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 35 minutes
Course entree


  • lean ground beef
  • 1/2 tbs EVOO per pound of ground beef
  • seasonings sea salt, crushed red pepper, basil, oregano, pepper, celery salt, etc.
  • diced garlic
  • shredded mozzarella
  • spaghetti sauce
  • fine bread crumbs optional


  • Heat oven to 350º.
  • Work in EVOO.
  • Season meat to taste.
  • Form balls by taking rolling portion between hands, pressing down in the center to create a well. Fill with cheese and roll meat around it to seal inside.
  • Prepare them for baking. With some sauce in a bowl, roll the meatballs to coat them lightly in sauce and place them on the pan. Sprinkle cheese over the tops of the meatballs. Bake.
Keyword meatballs

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