Yummy Tomatillo Salsa

Posted 18 November 2020 by Kiki870 in Salsas & Toppings / 0 Comments


Yummy Tomatillo Salsa

This is a super healthy tomatillo salsa that tastes fresh and clean and takes very little time to make!
Prep Time 15 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes
Course condiments


  • 8-10 medium/large tomatillos increase to 12-15 if they are small, the size of cherry tomatoes
  • 1/4-1/2 small white onion
  • fresh or jar minced garlic to taste
  • sea salt to taste
  • fresh or dried cilantro optional
  • crushed red pepper optional
  • 1/4 tsp jalapeno juice optional: I use the juice in the Old El Paso sliced jalapenos jar.
  • minced onion optional


  • Chop up tomatillos and onions in preferred manner. (See notes.)
  • Blend in bowl with garlic and salt, to taste.
  • If desired, add optional ingredients to taste.
  • Chill before serving.


For a chunkier salsa, I use a slap chopper/knife to cut the tomatillos and onion. For a less chunky version, I use my small Ninja/Bullet.
This is amazing as a topping on pizza, chicken, pork, tacos, etc.
Keyword salsa, tomatillos

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